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 Izjave od Avril...

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Број порука : 69
Join date : 28.02.2009
Локација : ispred kompjutera

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ПорукаНаслов: Izjave od Avril...   Izjave od Avril... I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2009 1:00 am

"I liked being a minor because you can't get into trouble. Now I just have to try and behave myself."

"I might look like a tough chick - and I am - but I'm also a hopeless romantic inside."

"Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be."

"I'd like to be a little more hard-rocking on my next album. But I hate the whole label thing."

People ask me if I regret wasting my last teen years on becoming a singer. You know something? I don't. Because singing is my life. When and if you want something so badly you'll see. I mean, I'm just so blessed to be doing what I love to do and to have been given this opportunity. I thank God because there are so many more talented people out there that will never even come close to getting a record deal.

"To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood."

"My mom wouldn't let me sing 'Strawberry Wine' because it had 'wine' in it."

"When I was 2 my mom said she knew I was going to be a singer. I've been performing ever since I was a young kid. So I've known I wanted to do this for awhile. I always knew in my heart that I'd be singing."

"I'm just coming out and I'm going to clearly be myself - I write what I feel, I never worry what others think."

I can write a song a day.

"My dream was always to hop up on stage in front of my fans every night and perform."

"Actually, I know for a fact there are some young female artists who don't even sing on their own records and who don't sing live. And that is pathetic." (about lipsynching
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Број порука : 86
Join date : 03.03.2009
Age : 28
Локација : ~Somewhere...I don't know where...xD~

Izjave od Avril... Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Izjave od Avril...   Izjave od Avril... I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 03, 2009 7:16 am

Joooj mrzi me sve da citam jos na engleskom...xP
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Број порука : 10
Join date : 03.03.2009

Izjave od Avril... Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Izjave od Avril...   Izjave od Avril... I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 03, 2009 3:35 pm

~*JuLiE*~ ::
Joooj mrzi me sve da citam jos na engleskom...xP

da stw.
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~*~AvRiL FaN~*~
~*~rOcK aDmIn~*~
~*~rOcK aDmIn~*~
~*~AvRiL FaN~*~

Број порука : 119
Join date : 28.02.2009
Локација : whit avril somewar.....

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ПорукаНаслов: Re: Izjave od Avril...   Izjave od Avril... I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 03, 2009 11:39 pm

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ПорукаНаслов: Re: Izjave od Avril...   Izjave od Avril... I_icon_minitime

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